Nestled between the Kyoto Imperial Palace and the Kamogawa River, the northeast area of the Imperial Palace embodies a distinctive Kyoto atmosphere. Only a short 5-minute walk to Keihan Demachiyanagi Station adds to the convenience.
This property offers proximity to both the Kyoto Imperial Palace and the Kamogawa Delta, providing a unique urban-nature blend. Enjoy nature runs or take leisurely walks in this tourist-friendly locale. Consider starting a business in this fortunate and vibrant area – a perfect blend of nature and city life awaits!
Estimated renovation cost ¥50M – ¥80M
Transportation Demachiyanagi Station is a 5-min walk
Land Size 193.52m² | Building Size 184.72m²
Location Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto, 602-0823
Year of construction May 1931
Structure/construction method wooden
Land rights Freehold
Rental opportunities: guesthouse, 180-day, long-term
WhatsApp +81 70 4307 6560
For more details about rental/guesthouse rules and opportunities: CLICK HERE
Please note that every time a property changes owner, a new license must be applied for.